Oh man was it a long day! But I am finally winding down and relaxing with a new blog post. Best of number 14 is my version of Dr. Killinger from the animated series "The Venture Brothers". It's a great show and this is a great character. Sorry, but his little magic murder bag is not included.
I also managed to finish something new! Here is my tiny tribute to Minecraft, the Creep!
I put off playing this game for a very long time, and one day it showed up on PS3 so I bought it. I never thought I would get much out of it, but I really enjoyed it. I found it to be a very meditative experience.
This model didn't take very long to do, and it's certainly not the best of what I have done while I was away, But it is a start, and I hope Minecraft fans don't mind that I pixelated the model in my own way.
By the way, a new Venture Brothers special airs this coming Monday. Here's the trailer.